Roudie, done
"Roudie!" They rush over to his side. His nose is bleeding. His ears... what happened... they were bleeding too. Thank God he's breathing, no, he's trembling. But he is breathing. "Roudie?" An undertone of doubt resonates in Hirlem's voice. He's just sleeping. He is. Let him rest. What seems like minutes pass. Not knowing what else to do, Monie shakes him with all her might. With the intensity of an electric charge, Roudie springs to life. Disoriented, he rubs his eyes. "Roudie, you're alright!" And yawns. "Are you alright, Roudie?"

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Scooter Boy(TM>
A Brad Bartz
Copyright 1995 - 2003
Send Comments to: ScootMaster