SKANK With the absence of Hirlem and Monie, Roudie directs his attention towards the band. He makes a beeline to the heart of the crowd, parting the masses like the Red Sea. Soon he is surrounded on all sides by happy faces, awestruck gazes. The band keeps on. Strobing stage lights elicit a quick burst of crowd cheer. Staring deep into space, Roudie begins to sway, then step, then run. He envisions a mosh pit. He collides into people. Nothing can get in the way of his vision. But people quickly clear out, leaving a circle occupied only by Roudie and his crazed dance. They try to ignore, allowing for the occasional glance. Moments pass. Suddenly, Roudie runs straight from the hub of the circle, through the metal doors, and away. By the time he gets home, he is laughing madly.

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Scooter Boy(TM)
Brad Bartz production
Copyright 1995 - 2003
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